Leon Bridges, a soul song writer and singer, released 'Sweeter' in 2020, which has such a meaningful yet calming vibe. His message is a response to the recent events that have happened within the past couple of years, specifically the killing of George Floyd. Bridges can only '[hope] for a life more sweeter,' then what him and millions of others are living in every day. You can tell by the way he is signing and the simplicity within the song how passionate he is. 'Sweeter' emphasizes the fact that the world is just on repeat and how nothing is changing for the black community. Black men and woman have been in this constant struggle/battle and Bridges is singing from his perspective, in which he might have witnessed a black man or woman whose life had been cut short because of violence. He is singing out to the world but mainly his audience are young adults 15-25. These are the people who are the next generation so to Bridges, it's important that it's known what is truly happening in our world. He intends to spread the fact that there is nothing being done to stop the fact that innocent lives are constantly being taken.
When I was listening to this song, a question was brought up; what is the meaning/significance of white shirts versus black shirts. There has to be some reason as to why half of the video Leon Bridges was wearing a white shirt along with a handful of others when everyone else was weraing black. Then later on he switches to wearing a black shirt that says Southide on the front, and Bridges on the back. What was is purpose for that and what message is Bridges trying to portray?